See other countries

Traveling can be a bit special during the actual situation, but it is interesting anyhow to meet other people and foreign countries. I enjoyed my stay in Saudi-Arabia a lot, thanks to the great hospitality of Mohamed, Sufyan and the perfect preparation of Tracy.
Thanks a lot

Meeting up for training

There was heavy rain in the morning!

Visiting King Abdullah Monument was a two time 6,5km hike within KAUST

airpointer APP users, pls do an update

Dear airpointer APP users, please do an software update of your airpointer.
After a major change at the certification body we use, it turns out that I had chosen one parameter wrong in my linout software. This stops the communication between the airpointer and the APP server. With a software upgrade this problem is solved and you will have the normal behavior of the airpointer app again.
With best regards, Andreas

By today we need to say good bye to the old SuSE portal

A little history:

Back in 2005 we created a portal service to make connections to airpointer possible using a dynamic IP address. The second function was to speed up communication with the airpointer by coping data from the airpointer to server. With the today’s speed of communication, the last “speed up” customer remained, skipped the old portal service two years ago. Build with the old SuSE of that time and the way the system is working, this server is outdated long ago. Starting in 2009 we are working on a modern Linux solution (a Debian distribution), since 2013 we install this version of software on all airpointer. At the same time the new portal was introduced, in a much easier way to work with. At this time, our SuSE software stack and portal was announced to be discontinued.

What is going on:

Our plan was to turn off the first, SuSE based, portal by end of the year because more and more browsers and other tools are not accepting the old-style security and encryption tools of the server anymore. Unfortunately, a technical issue stops the server a few months earlier than planned.

Are you involved?

If you are using to connect to your instrument you are involved. All other customers just need to wait a few days until a update is possible again.
If you are involved please click here: How-to Change to the new portal.


AQI = Air Quality Index

Since a while we have a solution for all customers searching for a easy way to display the results of the air quality measurements to the general public in an understandable form. We implemented an air quality index based on USEPA, EN or German regulation/calculations. The user can choose one of these default setups and can configure this default to her/his needs. You can find an example on our “Garden” airpointer here:

Garden Airpointer AQI

An example how easy the airpointer AQI page can be integrated into your institute’s web page using iframe is shown here:

 AQI Example Site 

The complete documentation how to setup the AQI to your needs you can find here:


If you want this option on your airpointer or your airQlog please ask your distributor for an offer, you will see it is affordable.

With best regards, Andreas

The airpointer APP is available

Since some weeks the airpointer APP is available on Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

This app helps the user to have a fast overview over his airpointers. For each machine you see the connectivity and measuring system status, but also if maintenance is needed or an alarm is active. The user also can choose a few parameters to be directly displayed on the app. Because SMS has an undefined runtime by definitions, we use the APP as an additional alarming device.

How the configuration of the airpointer needs to be done to work with the app you find here:

Please understand that each user of the app has to be registered as user at the airpointer also, that’s the only way to make sure that only authorized persons can use the airpointer data. Just by removing the user account on the airpointer also stops the connection to the user’s mobile device, for those who are leaving your organization.

We hope this app makes the live of the airpointer users a bit easier,

With best regards, Andreas

USB, it’s complicated!

Do you know how USB is working? Yes, it’s complicated!

USB is a serial form of communication that is hot plug able and everything is done automatically – just magic. It is working in that way that each Vendor got his Vendor_id at the USB Committee for an annual fee of US$ 5000.-, then he creates his Model_id for each product he is producing and a serial_id for each unit. So, each unit has unique id’s, as soon the computer has recognized it, the computer knows what it is and will find it again on the different USB ports. That’s the theorie, in praxis small companies and startups cannot or don’t want to handle this US$5000.- yearly fee. They are using internally a USB to serial chip and use the Vendor_id and the Model_id of the chip producer. Now the situation happens that the miniGC and the MA350 black carbon analyzer are using chips of the same brand with the same Vendor_id and model_id, so from the view of the airpointer PC both are the same thing and LinLog tries to talk with the miniGC and blocks the port for LinSens. Luckely they have a difference in the model_name and now we are using this information and can handle these units correctly.

What can you do?

First make sure your software version is newer then 26.June 2019. In case you are using a miniGC together with another USB device (USB modem is no problem) change the flag only_miniGC_is_on_USB to off.  

Make sure only the miniGC USB connector is in and restart LinSens in Service manager or reboot. After that you can see the USB serial of the miniGC is stored in the database and you also have a display in the service interface:

Plug in other USB connector(s) again.

To make life a little easier I added a display of the connected ttyUSB device to the LinLog service interface. In this example you see a miniGC connected to ttyUSB1 and a MA350 connected to ttyUSB0.

Additionally you can define the USB serial_short (FT1G2FVJ in the example) in the LinLog Configuration, Group Setup Step2, with this definition the USB serial is fixed to this group:

Hopefully this information is usefull,
with best regards